Thursday, October 27, 2011
I have not able to post about this story last week. Well, last Friday, I received a letter from the Board Of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM) stating that I have been appointed as a Professional Engineer, a status I believe is equal to Chartered Engineer from United Kingdom (that I received several weeks ago).
After 4 years of effort, finally I managed to be a Professional Engineer which allows me the title "Ir." in front of my name and also "PEng" after my name. This is an achievement that I'm very glad to received. It's not just the privilege of having the title but it also impies that I have to carry more responsibilities. As a professional engineer in the discipline of Chemical Engineering, I need to show good professional engineer example, promote ethical engineering practice, help and guide those who want to be professional engineer and many other roles. The society and community will be looking and referring to us on certain matters. A professional engineer also need to contribute as much as humanly possible to the engineering society.
As a first step towards helping others to attain professional engineer or chartered engineer status, I have thought of preparing a short report of my experience on my journey to be both professional and chartered engineer. I am wondering whether there will be a demand for this report? What do you think? Should I prepare such experience sharing report?
In order to have better comprehension of the situation, I have prepared a short 10 question simple survey for you to answer. The answers will help me understand and hopefully prepare a good comprehensive guide on how to assist you in getting Professional Engineer or Chartered Engineer status. Please help me answer the survey >>> HERE <<<.
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After 4 years of effort, finally I managed to be a Professional Engineer which allows me the title "Ir." in front of my name and also "PEng" after my name. This is an achievement that I'm very glad to received. It's not just the privilege of having the title but it also impies that I have to carry more responsibilities. As a professional engineer in the discipline of Chemical Engineering, I need to show good professional engineer example, promote ethical engineering practice, help and guide those who want to be professional engineer and many other roles. The society and community will be looking and referring to us on certain matters. A professional engineer also need to contribute as much as humanly possible to the engineering society.
As a first step towards helping others to attain professional engineer or chartered engineer status, I have thought of preparing a short report of my experience on my journey to be both professional and chartered engineer. I am wondering whether there will be a demand for this report? What do you think? Should I prepare such experience sharing report?
In order to have better comprehension of the situation, I have prepared a short 10 question simple survey for you to answer. The answers will help me understand and hopefully prepare a good comprehensive guide on how to assist you in getting Professional Engineer or Chartered Engineer status. Please help me answer the survey >>> HERE <<<.
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Have you downloaded my free "Choosing Alternative Fuel" Ebook? If not, then please download it here. It's Free and on top of getting the free ebook, you'll get eCourse on Alternative Fuel. It's a good and easy way to add more valuable information to yourself.
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