Funny Ph.D Cartoon

Friday, May 27, 2011

This is funny. I got it from my wife who found it in a social network site. She giggled alone. I asked why? She said, this Ph.D cartoon is funny. I checked it out and I also laughed. This illustrates how tense and tough a Ph.D student life is.

Seriously I'm feeling it now. Whenever I do anything, I will think and remember my unsettle Ph.D work. When I walk, drive, rest and even sleep... I still think about my research work. I hope this will be over soon... :)

This cartoon can also provide some ideas on a post graduate students life to the undergraduates. Enjoy the cartoon...

If the cartoon is too small, click on the image to enlarge.

I just share this cartoon for fun and it is nothing at all related to me or anybody.

To enjoy the rest of the Ph.D comic, go to this link.

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